Our Mission Statement: Provide information, support and social engagement to Veterans of the 28th Field Artillery Regiment

President and Chairman of the Board: Pat Mulherek President@28fara.org Description-Provides Leadership to the Board of Directors, fiduciary responsibilities.

1st Vice President/XO: Bill Dunham 1stVP@28fara.org Description: Works as #2 for the Board, Chief of Staff for the Board and Chairs critical committees.

2nd Vice President/OPS: Chris Dolan 2ndVP@28fara.org Serves as Operations leader for the board, Chairs critical committees

Treasurer: David Dolan Treasurer@28fara.org Financial and accounting responsibilities.

Adjutant: Scott Sumpter Adjutant@28fara.org Keeper of the Membership Rolls, Coordinates Board Meetings, Maintains Association records

Sr NCO Board at Large: Command Sergeant Major Keith Young CSM@28fara.org Represents the NCOs of the Battalion to the Board, Chairs the membership Committee

Enlisted Board at Large: Miguel Rosario Enlisted1@28fara.org and Wayne Pfeffer Enlisted2@28fara.org. Represents the E-4 and below to the Board of Directors, Co-Chairs the membership Committee

Veterans Affairs Support: CSM (Army Ret) Doyle Watters wassers2@yahoo.com - Link to Veterans Affairs Information

Chief Information Officer: George Hardin CIO@28fara.org Website and Email management

Board of Directors
Using the 28th FARA Website
28th Field Artillery Regiment Association
We Support the Line
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